News Archive

Melahuset's infection control rules

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sapien velit, aliquet eget commodo nec, [...]

Read Melahuset's annual report

2020 was in many ways an unusual, different and challenging year - not just for [...]

Do not forget. Benjamin Hermansen 1985-2001

It has been 20 years since Benjamin Hermansen was killed by neo-Nazis outside the convenience store at [...]

Thank you for the past year - we look forward to seeing you again soon!

We all wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and look forward to [...]

Tito Guevara has passed away

It is with great sadness that we have received the news that Tito Enrique Guevara [...]

We are still breathing - conversation with Yohan Shanmugaratnam

- I have written the book for my children, and a large part of the story is [...]

Melafestivalen 2020 on NRK

This fall moved Melafestivalen in on Melahuset and together they invited to several musical interactions. [...]

Culture and resistance

History has shown how art and culture have an important role in society, and can function as [...]

Here you can stream Mela's concerts

This autumn we invite you to more musical interactions Melahuset : from folk music from the Middle East and [...]

Photo exhibition: #HOMElia

On Tuesday 15 September, the photo exhibition #HOMElia opens in the Pavilion in Holmliaparken. The exhibition gives us a unique [...]