The fall program for Melahuset is ready

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Photo: Randall Villalobos

Encounters between different musical traditions, art, concerts, slam, activism, lectures, festivals and imaginative children's performances are some of the things Melahuset has to offer this fall.

A common denominator for many of this fall's concerts is that they offer encounters between different musical traditions. This applies to both Songs We Carrywhere Jewish Ladino songs meet Palestinian oud, the Sami electronic duo Tøndra and Goylem Space Klezmer, which has one foot in traditional klezmer and "many other feet and limbs" in Nordic traditions, Balkan jazz, Middle Eastern dance rhythms, psychedelic prog and sci-fi electronica. The group Sinimuso consists of seven female musicians who merge their Malian and Finnish musical traditions, and the audience can look forward to a concert where Finno-Ugric Kalevala poems and ancient kantele melodies meet Saharan blues, groovy Bambara rhythms, dance and soulful Fulani melodies.

Traditions and fixed concepts

Since 2019, Melahuset has marked the resistance against the military coup in Chile on September 11, 1973. This initiative is called "Culture and Resistance" and it aims to show how art and culture play an important role in society and can function both as a protest and as a unifying movement. This year there will be a concert with both the Chilean group Calle Mambothe duo Cuculikochi, as well as appeals and conversations.

It has also become a tradition to hold events at Oslo Culture Night and this year Melahuset can offer an exciting program from early evening until quite late. There will be classical music from South Asia with Reshail Mansoor and Imran Khan, slam poetry in new variants from both debutants and more established poets at SlamShake and we end the evening with the concept "All Hail the Queen" and r&b artist Orangekake. We also end this evening with an Off:Larm concert with the North Caucasian music collective Jrpjej.

With the concept All Hail the Queen, Mela wants to highlight female hip hop and r&b artists and this fall there will be concerts with Orangekake, Mariama Ndure and Rana, and DJ sets with Nasha and DJ Blitz. Ragatid showcases artists within the South Asian classical music tradition and this fall there will be a concert with Melahuset's own raga ensemble RagaNor.

Also MelaFantasy has its permanent place at Melahuset and this fall kindergartens in Oslo can enjoy Camping Kompaniet's "Veslefrikk med ... fela?", a rock concert with Plopp!, a dance workshop with Herbie Kawuma, Raymond Sereba's performance "Verdens rikeste mann og kakaotreet","Salsa for barna" with Luison y Cuba and Sarah Camille's "Papillion".

Slam poetry, art, activism and collaboration

This fall, the HL Center, LO and the Jewish Museum are also organizing a series of lectures and discussions on anti-fascism past and present, with three of the events taking place at Melahuset. The Palestine Committee in Oslo also invites you to PalKveld the last Thursday of the month, and film enthusiasts can stop by VikenFokus. Jawad Aziz and his poets provide slam poetry in new variations in SlamShake and art lovers should check out the monthly pop exhibition Kobewhich showcases several of the city's young and promising artists. There will also be a festival atmosphere at Melahuset when Masahat Festival, Black History Month and the Spkrbx festival have some of their events here.

Welcome to Melahuset this fall!

Published September 4, 2024