Same festival, new (temporary) location.
We have the pleasure of inviting you to this year's Mela Festival Melahuset in central Oslo. Many have been waiting and wondering if it will be Mela this year as well, and we are happy to confirm that it does.
- Many people know that Mela means meeting place, physical meeting place, not only for art expression, but for people. It is these meeting places that the corona crisis has hit hardest, at the same time we do not have the heart to cancel Melafestivalen . Therefore, we are happy for the opportunity to implement Melafestivalen on Melahuset , says director of Mela, Khalid Salimi.
From Friday 13 August to Sunday 6 November poses Melafestivalen up with concerts in many different genres on Melahuset . During four weekends, we bring some of the outside world home to our own large living room in Oslo. Especially for Melafestivalen this year, all our artists come from Norway, but have roots from all over the world. In other words, we still get a music festival that goes far beyond Norway's borders. We hear music from southernmost Asia, western Africa and northernmost Norway. The majority of the artists are also young, innovative and current artists who have distinguished themselves in their field.