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Grenseløst Oslo: Film and conversations

Sunday, October 8

4:00 P.M.

Grenseløst Oslo is back, and this time in collaboration with Sosialarbeidere uten grensen (SG) and Melahuset!

This Sunday, we invite you to an evening that focuses on the topics identity and belonging. These topics are highlighted through the shortfilm “Forbindelser”, directed by Ibrahim Mursal, and the poetry collection “Betongblomst”, written by Hamza Hirsi. Both Mursal and Hirsi will participate in the following discussion where we all talk about what exactly creates the feeling of unity and belonging. 

The doors open at 16:00. All ages and the free entry. Since we are serving food, we would prefer if you can register for the event by sending us your name to: post@sosialarbeidere.no

 “Forbindelser” is a candid short documentary that takes us on a subway journey that shows how the material world and external factors shapes the identities of two boys from Furuset. 

Ibrahim Mursal is a Norwegian-Somali-Sudanese filmmaker and writer. After graduating as a petroleum engineer, he followed his passion for film and has made three short films and the award-winning documentary “The Art of Sin”. 

Hamza Hirsi is a Norwegian author and poet, currently with the poetry collection "Betongblomst". Hirsi has made a name for himself as a voice for diversity and inclusion in Norwegian society, and his poems address themes such as identity, marginalization, and the struggle to be heard.

Social Workers Without Borders is a non-profit humanitarian organization, founded to promote involvement in international social work. Our focus is on poverty reduction, human rights, equality, and inclusion.

Grenseløst Oslo is a drug- and alcohol-free meeting place where we focus on cultural activities to discuss different topics or to get to know different people regardless of background. 

We look forward to seeing each and every one of you!