May 1: Solidarity across borders

- 1 May has been the labor movement's day of struggle for values such as equality, freedom, unity, meaning and security, said Per Fugelli when he held an appeal at Melahuset's 1 May breakfast in 2016.

Click on the link to hear the full appeal.

Since Melahuset does not get to arrange their traditional May 1 breakfast this year, it is a great opportunity to get a rehearsal with Per Fugelli's appeal, which is just as relevant this year.

- While borders all over the world are kept closed, we should challenge the importance of these and not least the nation state itself as a phenomenon. The whole world is seen more and more as one. We see it now, that in times of crisis that threaten us all, we actually manage to behave in solidarity as one people. Right now we are thinking of a welfare state globally. Imagine if we could continue with that in the future as well. Also after 1 May. Happy Birthday! Says Khalid Salimi, Director Melahuset .

Photo: From the 1st of May breakfast 2019.

Published May 1, 2020