Thank you to all of you who came and marked International Women's Day with us Melahuset . This evening the focus was on diversity and global women's struggle, and strong voices reminded us that the women's struggle has come a long way, but it is still a long way to go.
Author and debater Sumaya Jirde Ali opened the March 8 celebration with a poem from her latest collection of poems "The sea takes what it does not give".
- It is our job to ensure an intersectional feminism, said author, lecturer and feminist Nancy Herz in her appeal. Editor of the magazine Fett, Hanne Linn Skogvang, talked about indigenous feminism. - It is important with whom we remember and who we forget, she said in her appeal.
It was also a preview of the short film "Kuksvanen" which is produced by the feminist film company Barbosa film. - We wanted to make a film about how women talk to each other about feminism, said director Jenny Heradstveit and screenwriter Anna Ladegaard after the screening.
There were also concerts with Sei Selina and Queendom, the evening's DJ was Bright Eyes and Hina Zaidi was the presenter.
Photo: Greta Schehola and Ann Elin Bratset